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udhavum ullangal illam

It is an NGO based in chennai.

orphanage homes in chennai

10/25/2016 From Overblog

Ways You Can Adopt to Terminate World Hunger

Hunger is a grave concern for the world. A civilization with malnourished population cannot be considered progressive,...

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07/23/2016 From Overblog

Magical mantras in developing cleaner surroundings

We all do our utmost to keep our home clean. Also, when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness, we turn into best...

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06/27/2016 From Overblog

How we can help the poor people without giving Money

A lot of people want to help the poor people but it is not possible to give them cash all the time. Well, experts...

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06/27/2016 From Overblog

Major reason behind becoming a child labor

Reasons of child labor are imperative thing to talk about. It’s a fact that child labor is expanding day by day...

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